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Loved the update!

How romance with lust work?

Like all the other romances! Sin of lust doesn’t necessarily mean lack of love!

Would she agree to an exclusive relationship though? The lust part is part of her nature isn't it? Even with love would it really be that easy to just change your nature.


lust  doesn’t automatically mean unfaithful. She is the sin of lust not the sin of polygamy. She’s been with multiple partners sure but when it comes to the main character she is all in.

I actually friggin love this..MCS GOING FOR FENRIR NO DOUBT ABT ITTT

🤣glad you like him so much!

loving the story so far <3 ! but around chapter three where u need to select eye color the grey is still described as green :(


🫠 I am going to jump off a cliff I swear. That one damn choice refuses to cooperate with me

Is it necessary to romance somebody? I just kinda want to go a dark route with my MC, I want to make him goal-oriented and irredeemable in a way and I feel romance might tip him off it

it is sorry 😅 this is a supernatural romance game so it’s a big part of it

ah alright, no worries

Hey, just wanted to let you know that the color selection for eye color--specifically grey and green--are messed up right before chapter 3 starts. Grey is described as green after picking it, and green uh...actually has no description lmao. Loving the story so far, by the way!!

Hi! That for some reason is an error that is refusing to work and needs a bit more time on unfortunately. I’ve tried fixing it several times for some reason it just keeps going back. Hoe you’ve joy what else is to come!

Oh geeze, that must be fun to deal with haha. Thanks for letting me know! And I'm sure I will, I'm excited to see how the rest of the story pans out!!

Where can I send typo screenshots?

there is an email listed at the very bottom of the mater post

This is so good, and the update was fantastic!

I keep rereading, i love the different interactions with diff RO's alot. Mostly i love Uriel and Envy 🥰😍

I love this story so much already, I don't think I've ever gotten attached to characters so quickly before! But I think there's  bug when choosing your eye colour? When I picked grey eyes, the following dialogue said my character had green eyes, and when I went back and picked green, there was no comment about the colour for the following dialogue. Other than that, this is so fun and I'm excited to see more! You're an amazing writer!

Love it so far. This seems like a story where I'll enjoy exploring each of the routes, as all the guys are to adorable to resist. And of course, always I'm a sucker for stories that play around with mythology, demons, angels, etc... <3


Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy what is to come!


I love this game!


Sooo i really enjoyed chapter 2... like fully enjoyed it. Realllllllllllly reallllllllllly enjoyed it! I dont know if my subtlety made it clear as to how utterly incredible playing every single different ROs version of chapter 2 especially seeing how each sin reacts during introductions dependent on who you chose to romance was really great. 

There are a few spelling errors, Grammer issues and I think some coding issues such as when MC says I'm not the type of "gender selected" instead of saying what pronoun you chose but who actually fucking cares. That didn't impact how good this really was. Simply just mentioning it so you are aware. But again do not care personally. This really is one of my fav projects atm I am so glad you updated it ❤️  beyond happy. I love Nero.  He is such a softboy and Uriels grumpy ass is simply amazing. You wrote each so differently and made them unique it makes it really special. 

Again sorry.. I just wntd to say I like the story.. sort of.. you know.. no biggie. It's okay... 😏 totally not waiting for more and praying you have like the best writing progress that is easy and that you take care of yourself so we can enjoy this even more.. definitely not. I'm not gonna be waiting at all.. 👀

(1 edit) (+1)

Dammit! 😭🫠 I knew something would wind up slipping. Thanks for letting me know I’ll be sure to fix it! And yay! This is such a sweet message I am very glad you enjoyed it so much! After a little break chapter 3 will be started which I’m actually really excited for as things get more into the nitty gritty and plot related!

Also if you are enjoying this game keep an eye out for sometime in 2024 as I have plans to be posting a new side project game revolving around Alice in wonderland.

(1 edit) (+1)

Alice in wonderland is my fav childhood book and I adore the movie adaptions too so God you just made me so excited thank u. But for real take care of yourself and you really are treating us with the wonderful job you are doing. Much love ❤️ 

I love it!!!! Just love it!!

thank you!


Are you still writing this? I hope so because I really love it.  :)


I am indeed! I’m just a full time college student who also works weekends so free time is a little hard to come by 😅. I am planning to hopefully get out some form of update next week as that’s my spring break!

(3 edits)

I'm so excited!!!!! As I said before I absolutely adore this!!! Also, I totally understand I graduated high school recently (I was previously a dropout), and let me tell you going back to high school as a 21 y.o. is a major pain in the tokus. I don't work and just going to school was difficult so I can't imagine how difficult it must be to do both. So, I thank you for doing your best 😊. All the best to you and yours. 

(P.s. Sorry for the huge gif of Dipper I don't know how to make it smaller... anywho have a great day/night 😊)


I know this is a good one i played the choice one very good will be choice of gender for mc later in this one or is it sadly just female ):


hey! So gender choice is actually already included! It’s the part where you see womankind! You should be able to click and sort through to get to male! In other words mankind I believe!


Awesome ty I really like this I love the story so now I know i can be a male perfect ^^ ty <3

no problem! Glad to help and hope you enjoy whats to come!

Hi! Is this finished or still being worked on? :) Don't worry if not, no pressure :D 

still being worked on! An update will hopefully be coming soon!

Alrighty thanks :D Take your time tho~~ I don't mean to put pressure on you and I know the question is very often asked in interactive fiction games, and I didn't mean to come across as annoying or anything. So take your time ^^ 


your good! Honestly I don’t actually get that many so your fine not annoying at all!


If I can't have the type of love Aster and Fenrir have then is life really worth it

ha! Well you get to expierence it if you decide to romance them!


I like the premise. I'm looking forward on how the story progresses from here, and how the MC will be utilized in the machination of heaven vs hell.


I really love the concept of this story - sounds really interesting and original, and I'm looking forward to seeing where you choose to take it. Currently it's a bit too little to judge or really capture me, but it's certainly not bad for a start.

That being said, it might be a good idea to get a beta reader to correct the spelling mistakes (there are quite a few of them), repetitions, punctuation, and syntax. It's a bit messy, and at times can be confusing and/or really disrupts the flow and impact of the story.

Good luck though!


I actually just got a beta so next update should have more corrections 


Love it- Can’t wait for more!

BTW Exaughstion -> Exhaustion/Exaughsted -> Exhausted


Hello! So far I am intrigued with the concept of the game, and I am looking forward to its continuation. That said, there are several typos and grammatical errors which may detract from the overall experience...


hello! So glad you are looking forward to the update! As for the errors I catch them when I get the chance as I am a full time college student as well as having a part time job and this is a WIP so it’s going to happen. But last I checked there weren’t to many typos or grammatical errors that I hadn’t caught. Let alone enough to ruin the experience. Hope you continue to enjoy the game though. And once it’s completed the errors will all be taken care of.


Good luck with the schooling and the part-time job!

I didn't say anything about ruining the experience. It really is quite good! I just meant that some sentences do seem a bit jarring because of the way they are constructed which can affect the (flow? idk if "flow is the right word?) of the narrative...

I am indeed going to follow this game through!

this is interesting!!! And I also wanted to let you know about typo I found "preditor" when mc meet the woman. Thought I'll let you know:D

Just a little thing. You might want to change the background color or text color in light mode since it's really hard to read.

I’ve been struggling with that in coding for some reason. I’m trying to get rid of the light mode entirely and it is not wanting to work for me. 

That issue should now be officially fixed!