Reminder about spelling and grammar comments

Hey guys! This is just a reminder as ive gotten a few more comments about spelling and grammar! It is all currently being edited and an update will be out soon with it corrected! Comments about that will be deleted as I am already aware and in the works of fixing it! Stuff like this takes a little bit more time for me so my main focus is usually to get the update out and then edit the the spelling and grammar after! If you notice a major error or anything then please let me know through email, there is an email to send errors to at the bottom of the main post! However if its about spelling or grammar it is already being taken care of and I am very much aware of it! Thank you guys and I hope you enjoy what is to come!


Sevens Deadly.html Play in browser
Jul 24, 2023


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Good luck with all the fixes. You are wonderful ♥️